Drain Cleaning – How to Get Rid of Clogged Drains

Drain clogs often form from hair, food scraps, dirt, mineral buildup, and other materials. To keep your drains clear, implement a regular cleaning schedule. Contact Drain Cleaning Perth now!

Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage your pipes and the environment. Instead, try some of these tips:

Chemical drain cleaners come in liquid, gel or powder form and dissolve hair, grease, food waste and other organic materials that clog pipes. They are easy to use and often available in supermarkets and hardware stores. These cleaners work by generating powerful chemical reactions that donate or attract electrons to the material causing the clog, thus melting it away or breaking it down. These chemicals are not without risk, though. They can damage your pipes if used excessively or if you use them with other chemical-based products; they also create toxic fumes that can irritate your nose, eyes and throat. Every year, there are reports of people suffering from chemical burns from these cleaners.

Most chemical drain cleaners are heavy, meaning they sink through standing water to reach the clog. They contain caustic soda or corrosive acids, such as sulfuric acid. Caustic drain cleaners erode metal pipes, especially older galvanized steel pipes. They can also deteriorate PVC, which is more common in modern homes. These cleaners are effective for removing hair and minor clogs, but recurring blockages may indicate a larger problem.

Acidic drain cleaners, which are generally sold at professional plumbing supply stores and sold only to licensed plumbers, contain high concentrations of sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid. These substances react with the clog to generate heat, melting grease and other solids. They are effective for removing most types of clogs, but aren’t recommended for use on a regular basis because they can damage your pipes over time.

Any type of chemical drain cleaner that produces a lot of fumes should be used in a well-ventilated area. These cleaners can irritate your nose, eyes and mouth, and may cause coughing or wheezing. Long-term exposure can lead to respiratory problems, including asthma. They can also be dangerous for children and pets, who may inhale the fumes or ingest the cleaners. Chemical drain cleaners can also harm your septic system by killing the bacteria that break down organic waste. If you must use a chemical drain cleaner, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and be sure to wear gloves and protective eyewear.


The drain snake is one of the most common tools used to clear clogged pipes. It consists of a long cord with an auger or claw on the end that can either drill through or grab a clog and pull it out of the pipe. Depending on the model, it can be motorized or turned manually using a crank. It is typically available in various lengths with multiple heads, allowing the user to choose an appropriate size for the task at hand.

This particular model from Ryobi features an 18-inch flexible cable that can pick up hair and other debris that accumulates close to the surface in a shower or bathtub drain. It’s designed to be easy to use and requires no chemicals, making it a safe option for most home users. It’s also easy to store and can be wiped down between uses to avoid the spread of bacteria and germs.

If you’re planning to use a drain snake, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully. Exerting too much force can cause the tool to kink or damage the pipes. When you’re ready to start snaking, gradually insert the tool into the drain and feed it into the pipe until you encounter resistance. At this point, you can slowly rotate the head of the drain snake against the clog to disintegrate or latch onto it.

Most residential drain snakes feature toothed, curved, or bulb (also called spiral) heads for removing hair and smaller debris from household sink and tub drains. Some models may even have a cutter head that’s useful for clearing more stubborn solid blockages from pipes and sewer lines. Larger models typically feature a drum-shaped machine that houses a continuous, coiled cable and a powerful motor that turns the cable to clear a pipe obstruction.

No matter what type of drain snake you use, it’s important to be aware of the size and strength of your clog before trying to tackle it on your own. If the clog is too large for the snake to grab, consider seeking the assistance of a professional plumber instead.

Enzyme-Based Cleaners

Enzyme-based drain cleaners add powerful enzymes and bacteria to the organic waste in your pipes that causes clogs. These tiny creatures feed on the clogs and break them down so that they can be washed away with the water. Unlike caustic chemical drain cleaners, these natural treatments don’t cause any damage to your pipes or leave behind any dangerous residue. These products do take longer to work, but they will eventually dissolve and dislodge even the most stubborn clogs.

Enzymes are a type of protein that speeds up chemical reactions without being consumed or destroyed themselves. They are the main ingredient in most biological drain cleaners, and they are also the key to their effectiveness. These powerful organisms are made from amino acids, so they are similar to the proteins found in your body and in food. This means that they can easily digest and break down organic clogs such as food spills, pet stains, and blood.

Another benefit of enzyme-based cleaners is that they are environmentally friendly. Chemical drain cleaners use strong, caustic chemicals that don’t belong in your plumbing system and pose a threat to the environment. Enzyme-based cleaners, on the other hand, are biodegradable and won’t harm your pipes or the ecosystem.

When you pour an enzyme-based drain cleaner into a slow or clogged drain, the bacteria and enzymes go to work right away. They target the organic materials that build up in your pipes and create clogs, such as food particles from your garbage disposal or hair and dead skin cells from your shower or bathtub. The bacteria and enzymes begin to eat the clogs and digest them, leaving your drain and pipes clean and free of any odors.

One important thing to note is that these products will not work on metal, plastic, or any other non-organic clogs. If you have a stuck-on clog that can’t be removed with a drain snake or hot water, you will likely need to call a plumber.

Enzyme-based cleaners are a powerful and safe alternative to caustic chemical drain cleaners. They are available in most home improvement stores and are a great way to keep your drains and pipes working properly. To get the most out of these products, treat them as you would any other drain cleaning product and use them regularly. You can also use them to clear out clogged drains before calling a plumber. Just make sure to follow the directions on the label and don’t use them more than once a month.

Hot Water

Clogged drains are among the most frustrating plumbing problems. They can be caused by hair, sanitary products, food, cigarette butts, and other debris that can’t easily dissolve. Many of these items can be safely removed with a plunger or a plastic drain snake, but some stubborn clogs may require more advanced tools. It’s important to keep in mind that most clogs are caused by things that shouldn’t have gone down the drain in the first place, like greasy foods and coffee grounds. The best way to prevent them is by establishing a regular maintenance routine.

Pouring boiling water down the drain can sometimes unclog it by melting grease or soap residue. This is especially effective for kitchen sink clogs caused by fats that become solid when they cool down. Boiling water also works well for bathroom drains, because it can help break up and dislodge clogs caused by toilet paper or sanitary products.

Baking soda and vinegar can also be used to unclog a sink or tub. Pour about a cup of baking soda without any water down the drain, then pour a cup of vinegar on top. Wait about an hour to let the abrasive combination of ingredients do its work, then flush the drain with hot water. This simple, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly solution is often enough to remove a minor drain clog and can be repeated as needed.

Another natural alternative to chemical drain cleaners is lye, which is used in the manufacture of soap and is an ingredient in some commercially available drain cleaners. It can be purchased in liquid, pellet, or flake form from most home improvement and hardware stores. When using lye, it’s important to follow the directions carefully. It is toxic if inhaled or swallowed, and it can cause burns on skin and eyes if it comes into contact with them.

If a simple plunger or the abrasive combination of baking soda and vinegar fail to clear the clog, try using a plastic drain snake. These are narrow, relatively flat plastic tubes with a series of barbs that can be fed into a pipe to break up and remove debris. If this isn’t successful, it may be necessary to use a power drain auger, which is an electric device that can cut through most clogs and restore proper drainage.


Plumbers In Cleveland Ohio are responsible for the water systems that provide us with hot and cold water, and that also carry sewage and drainage. Without these plumbing systems, life would be difficult.

They are front-line health workers who ensure that we have clean water for showers and baths, cooking and cleaning. They often work in awkward positions and with dangerous materials.

Plumbers install piping and fixtures that facilitate water, gas, and waste disposal in residential and commercial settings. This includes toilets, faucets, sinks, showers, bathtubs, dishwashers, and water heaters. Plumbers also repair and replace these components when they wear out or are damaged. In addition, they may work on more complex plumbing systems in industrial and commercial buildings that serve multiple occupants. Such installations often require collaborating with engineers and architects to ensure the proper integration of plumbing with other building infrastructure.

On construction sites, plumbers set up piping and fixtures according to blueprints and building plans. This can involve laying out piping, connecting appliances and fixtures, and testing for leaks and other problems. Plumbers also may be responsible for rerouting existing piping when a renovation or expansion project necessitates it.

Some plumbers specialize in certain types of installations, such as gas line installation. In this role, they may set up and test propane and natural gas appliances and install new ones as needed. They may also install and repair backflow prevention devices and septic system components.

Other plumbers focus on maintenance and repairs. This can include unclogging drains, repairing toilets and faucets, and replacing worn out parts like valves and washers. Plumbers typically use hand tools and power tools to perform their duties. They may need to assemble and solder pipes, measure and cut them to size, and use heat shrink tubes to join sections of pipe together. In some cases, they may need to use a specialized tool called a snake to unclog drains.

Because they work with a wide range of people, plumbers must have strong customer service skills. They must be able to explain complicated issues in easy-to-understand terms and answer questions about pricing and the process of completing a job. They must also be able to work well with contractors and other tradespeople, as they may need to coordinate with them to install or repair plumbing in a home or business. Finally, plumbers often must be available on-call to address emergency situations, which can occur at any time.


As plumbers work with dangerous chemicals and equipment, they need to follow strict safety protocols. This can include wearing protective gear, using specific tools and following proper disposal methods for hazardous materials. They also need to take regular breaks and stay hydrated to prevent fatigue and overwork.

Plumbers are also responsible for ensuring that they’re up-to-date on the latest plumbing techniques and equipment. This means that they may need to spend a significant amount of time training or attending workshops and conferences. While this can be an inconvenience, it’s often necessary for the smooth running of their business and to keep customers satisfied.

Maintenance services offered by plumbers can range from routine cleaning and inspection to repairs of pipes and fixtures. They can also help with the installation of new appliances like water heaters and dishwashers. In some cases, plumbers may need to relocate existing pipes and systems to accommodate upgrades or updates.

Another important function of plumbers is providing emergency services. They’re on-call 24/7 to respond to plumbing emergencies, such as burst pipes and clogged drains. This can be a stressful and unpredictable job, but it’s one that’s critical for the health and safety of the public.

Plumbing is a regulated trade, meaning that it’s highly competitive. As such, many plumbers begin their career by doing an apprenticeship, which typically lasts four to five years and includes classroom instruction and on-the-job training. Once they’ve completed their apprenticeship, they can then apply for a license to practice independently.

There are several advantages to becoming a plumber, including the fact that it’s a highly respected and in-demand profession. In addition, plumbers can expect to make a good salary, especially if they’re licensed and have years of experience.

There are also some disadvantages to being a plumber, including the fact that it’s not suitable for those who have a fear of germs or don’t like working with their hands. Additionally, plumbers are often on-call at unscheduled times, which can interfere with their personal lives. Finally, plumbing can be physically demanding and require the use of heavy machinery.


Plumbing repair services are often needed to fix issues that arise in homes and commercial spaces. While some problems have simple solutions that homeowners can undertake themselves, others are more serious and require a professional to inspect and solve. Some common repairs that plumbers do include fixing clogged drains, leaking pipes and toilets, and fixing water heaters. Other types of plumbing repair work may include installing fixtures, such as bathtubs, showers, sinks, toilets, and faucets, repairing or replacing sewer lines, and constructing new home plumbing for renovations.

Most homeowners encounter a clogged drain at some point, and while there are many DIY solutions available, it’s usually best to call in a professional plumber for more severe clogs or those that occur near water heaters, garbage disposals, or washing machines. These professionals use specialized tools to clear out the blockage, and they also know how to clean and maintain these appliances to ensure that they last as long as possible.

A plumber’s job can be dangerous, so it’s important to trust this trade professional to get the job done safely and correctly. Plumbing repairs can be costly, so it’s important to have an accurate estimate before hiring a plumber for the job. This will help prevent surprise fees or unanticipated expenses down the road.

Leaking pipes are a huge problem for homeowners, and they can cause extensive water damage in a short amount of time. These leaks can be caused by a number of factors, including age and wear and tear, frozen pipes, or just general corrosion. Regardless of the cause, these leaks are best fixed by a plumber, and they can usually be repaired with a simple patching technique.

Plumbers can repair or replace sewer lines and install new fixtures, such as toilets, showers, faucets, sinks, and garbage disposals. These professionals are skilled at reading blueprints and understanding the construction process to ensure that the plumbing is installed correctly and meets local codes. They also have the knowledge and equipment to deal with any challenges that come up during the project, such as dealing with unexpected materials or working around structural elements.


One of the most important services offered by plumbers is troubleshooting. This is a step-by-step process that can help find the source of problems and repair them. It starts with defining the problem clearly and understanding its symptoms. It also includes identifying possible causes, including user error or machine failure. It concludes with restoring the product or process to its normal state.

When something goes wrong with your plumbing system, it can be a major inconvenience. But with the right plumber, you can rest assured that your issues will be resolved quickly and effectively. This will save you time and money in the long run, so it’s worth spending a little extra to get things fixed as soon as possible.

Some of the most common problems that plumbers deal with are drain clogs and leaky pipes. These are usually due to worn-out seals or broken pipes. Plumbers can use a variety of tools to diagnose and repair these issues. For example, they might use a camera to inspect the inside of your drainpipes and identify the cause of the clog. They can also unclog your drains and replace old, damaged pipes with new ones.

Another service that plumbers offer is water heater installation and maintenance. This involves replacing or repairing the water heater tank, piping, and fittings. Plumbers can also install water heaters that are more energy-efficient than older models. They can even connect your heater to a solar power system to reduce your energy costs.

A good plumber can also help with sewage systems. These are the pipes that carry away waste from toilets, sinks, and bathtubs. If they stop working, it can lead to a lot of health and safety issues for your family. Plumbers can use special cameras to check the condition of your sewage system and fix any problems.

Some plumbing companies even provide emergency services. These are available round the clock and can be very helpful when you need help urgently. For instance, if your sewage system is backed up and you’re experiencing severe backflow, it’s best to call an emergency plumber immediately.